Tuesday 5 July 2011


Friday 1 July 2011


I want to be a pilot!!!!! So that I can fly among mountains, valleys~!!!!

Sunday 26 June 2011


"And the best feeling in the world is realizing you're perfectly
happy without the thing you thought you needed the most." ~dunno whose >.<
I guess Destroying sth beautiful is easier than buidling it eh?
I have the same feeling as 3 years ago when i thought i lost my sketchbook. It's like I still have hope for the hopeless.
One thing which bothers me is I don't know what I'm hoping for. A-HA-HA
What is that politeness and silence for? Can't we just sit down and work thing out? So that nothing left unsaid?
I need the truth more than politeness this time. I don't want to assume things like this so I think I can deal with the truth no matter how cruel it is than keep wondering.
For me it's the easiest way to stop me from wondering and to show some respect.


It's scary to work in 501 now, hahah
Especially just standing in the booth i used to work makes me feel terrible...


I always play all my cards. And I always fail.
Yet I have this unexpected little happiness. I hope it can last long.